The asexual oribatid mite Platynothrus peltifer reproduces parthenogenetically: Mothers produce daughters from unfertilized eggs, resulting in a population consisting entirely of females ...
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Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0FA, U.K.
High-resolution imaging techniques have revolutionized the field of developmental biology, particularly in the study of mouse embryos ... High-Resolution Episcopic Microscopy (HREM) to create ...
This cutting-edge AI method transforms microscopy, delivering clear images of thick samples without the need for costly equipment, empowering labs worldwide. a. Fixed and iDISCO-cleared E11.5-day ...
The scanning electron microscope is capable of 25 mμ resolution combined with a great depth of focus, features which make the technique of value in the study of the intestinal mucosa. Surgical ...
The Scanning Probe Microscopy Facility (SPMF) contains three atomic force microscopes.
The course provides an introduction into using electron microscopic technology (EM), and includes both Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The course will ...
The electron microscope is invented by Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska (shown), allowing for the investigation of a wide range of materials, including biological samples.
A worm embryo or a piece of tissue may only be tens of microns thick, but the bending of light causes microscopy images to lose their ... and tracts in the whole mouse embryos, and examine ...