A Japanese musical adaptation of the hit manga and anime franchise “Sailor Moon” will launch a North American tour this spring, playing nearly 20 cities on a route that begins in Pittsburgh in ...
The "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: The Super Live" musical has announced a North American tour with 18 stops across the U.S. The ‘2.5D musical sensation’ will stop in Dallas on April 1 at the ...
After stops in cities including Seattle, Chicago, St. Louis and Milwaukee, the tour wraps up April 25-26 in New York, where the “Sailor Moon” musical will play a return engagement at the ...
Grab your tiara and Silver Crystal, Sailor Moon fans, because the musical adaptation of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon arrives later this spring for a North American tour. Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon ...
A Japanese musical adaptation of the hit manga and anime franchise “Sailor Moon” will launch a North American tour this spring, playing nearly 20 cities on a route that begins in Pittsburgh in March ...