In the anime classic "Yu Yu Yakusho," Yoko Kurama is a demon who inhabits a human embryo that eventually becomes a boy. Eventually awakening as the young boy grows up, he is first a villain in the ...
In the anime classic "Yu Yu Yakusho," Yoko Kurama is a demon who inhabits a human embryo that eventually becomes a boy. Eventually awakening as the young boy grows up, he is first a villain in the ...
Demon Slayer is preparing to unleash the first film of a trilogy that will bring the anime adaptation to an end in the Infinity Castle. With the first offering set to arrive this year, the Demon ...
Demon Lords in anime can be attractive, likable, and powerful entities capable of toppling civilizations. Not all Demon Lords remain evil, some reform while holding unusual and powerful abilities.
The Demon Slayer series, created by Koyoharu Gotouge and animated by ufotable, has become one of the most popular anime franchises in the world. If you’re looking to join in the demon-hunting craze, ...
While we won’t go into spoilers here, it’s clear from the anime that all roads lead to a final showdown between the Hashira and Muzan’s army of demons, including the Upper Ranks. As the name ...