Daisaku Ikeda, who headed Soka Gakkai, a Japanese Buddhist organization, that includes famed musician Herbie Hancock and other celebrities in its fold, has died at 95, the Japanese religious ...
The culture center is an arm of the SGI-USA, which is part of a global religious community of more than 11 million people who practice Nichiren Buddhism. “The FNCC hosts thousands of SGI ...
30). “Naturally, such tenets and practices make a peaceful natural environment a priority for SGI and a goal of the religious practices of Nichiren Buddhist members.” The Army’s C-11 ...
The nature center, owned and operated by the Buddhist organization, Soka Gakkai International-USA, argues in the lawsuit that the Everglades project — which has been in the works for over 15 ...
For January’s Traffic Safety Spotlight, SGI is urging the province’s residents to stay alert and focused on the road while driving — Driving is inherently dangerous, so don’t let anything distract you ...
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Chennai: Tamil Nadu’s Buddhist history hasn’t got much attention from mainstream historians. But a new paper maps the widespread travels of a 16th-century Buddhist yogi from Rameswaram. He set out ...
Chennai: The Tamil Nadu government plans to set up its first Buddhist museum in Nagapattinam dedicated to showcasing artefacts and bronze statues of Buddha to highlight the state’s rich historical ...
New Year’s Eve is often a time of celebration, but Saskatchewan’s insurance issuer wants to make sure people have a safe ride home tonight. SGI’s Jeremy Pilon says people can take a cab or rideshare, ...
SGI reminds drivers to plan a safe ride home WATCH: With New Years upon us, a friendly reminder for party goers to plan a safe ride home if they plan on drinking or smoking tonight.