At first glance, the vibrant, pink stalks look almost like sunburned celery, but rhubarb is in a category of its own.
Strawberry rhubarb pie is a classic dessert that combines the sweet flavor of strawberries with the tartness of rhubarb. The ...
"Frozen, chopped broccoli makes this recipe extra easy, but you can also make hand pies using fresh broccoli. You’ll want ...
Mary Berry's rhubarb pie is made on an enamel or metal plate with a pastry top and bottom. "My mother used to make a plate pie as a treat, piled high with fruit and sweet shortcrust pastry." ...
Consumables are a type of item you can find in various locations, or you can create them with suitable ingredients. They can be used in a variety of ways. You can complete bundles with them, sell ...
Scoop into pie shell, with most or all of the liquid - do not make the pie too watery, but the rhubarb should be just covered in the liquid. Arrange lattice on top, crimp edges in. Brush the top of ...
Transform a classic lemon meringue pie. You could substitute the rhubarb for any other stewed fruits. For this recipe you will need 4 x 12cm/4½in flan tins. Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5.