Keen demand for any slaughter-fit and forward stores resulted in a vibrant trade with prices ranging in the main from €3.05/kg to €3.30/kg. The reader loyalty code gives you full access to the site ...
Buyers travelled from across England and Wales to bid for a commercial herd of more than 160 in-calf continental crossbred ...
For example, using the center’s Red Angus bulls, the breeding inventory from this past breeding season included five bulls. Their year of birth and registration numbers are: 2013-born bulls, 1617778 ...
It's all about a red T-shirt on a hot day. And this is what Simon Close reckons puts Red Angus cattle in front when it comes to heat tolerance.
A super entry of 600 calves and weanlings on Thursday 16th January which met with an outstanding trade for all types on offer ...
Weaner cattle prices for Angus and Hereford steers have passed 400 cents a kilogram at Bairnsdale's feature store sale, with cattle set to head interstate to as far as Dalby in southern Queensland.
A prominent Hereford breeder and buyer has refuted any sentiment that Angus cattle are more broadly favoured than Herefords.