Starting your day with morning prayer is one of the most powerful ways to invite God’s peace, strength, and joy into your life. When we begin each morning in prayer, we shift our focus from the ...
“I pray to God they will,” Biden said. The president held a White House briefing on the disaster response effort alongside Vice President Kamala Harris, whose Los Angeles home is in the ...
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan ...
whether this past year brought you success, fulfillment, and joy, or you faced grief, setbacks, and struggle, New Year prayers are a great way to give thanks for the past year, seek guidance for the ...
This year, the annual Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, Jan. 22, falls during the novena. The 52nd-annual March for Life will been held Jan. 24. (photo: Courtesy of March ...
How many of us have prayed the sinner’s prayer? We get swept in the emotion of what is going on, we are called to the front of a church to say a few simple words. We are given reassurance that we ...
“This is a land of peace and joy, where people worship God and allow Him to prosper in their lives,” declared the King during his sermon, held at Mandvulo Grand Hall during the national prayer event ...
Every Christian woman desires a godly husband. The prosperity and well-being of a family are determined by the direction in which a husband leads the family. Finding the best "prayer for my husband" ...
Our prayer as a global community is more important than ever. Let's stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world as we pray together with them and for all people who are ...
Popular gospel artiste, Nathaniel Bassey, is poised to make an impact at the upcoming United States Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast, scheduled for January 20, 2025, at the Waldorf Astoria ...