Charles Kuralt’s Christmas in Appalachia, which aired in December 1964 and focused on eastern Kentucky, lit up the CBS switchboard with offers of help. Both of these documentaries attempted to ...
"We continue to neglect poverty in these areas, whether it's Central California, or Appalachia, or the (Mississippi) Delta." Barber said poverty is falsely seen as a marginal issue that affects ...
Through an initiative recently introduced to Appalachia, expectant mothers struggling to break free of generational poverty ...
A New York-based initiative called The Bridge Project that gives no-strings-attached cash to pregnant women is expanding to Appalachia, promising a $10 million investment for families in West ...
That’s how “Coats for Appalachia” was born ... “There’s a lot of poverty in the area,” she said. “People are going to need coats forever. There are schools that have reached out ...