Floating’ Pyramid of Egypt Analyzed by Experts to Find the Mystery Behind Its Evolution and Reason Behind Its Special Place One of the biggest contributions made by Pharaoh Senusret II to the Egyptian ...
What is the president's office planning by taking control of the tax service, customs, and financial monitoring? Yulia ...
The architect of the Great Pyramid of Giza is generally believed to have been a man named Hemiunu. What do we really know ...
Here is our full rundown of Amenti; explaining its story, ending, and its inspiration. Warning for spoilers throughout.
Family TiesThe pharaoh’s relatives, such as Nefertiabet, Khufu’s daughter—depicted on this relief found in her tomb in Giza—were buried beside the sovereign’s pyramid. Photograph by Wern ...
Here we delve inside Egypt's pyramids to reveal their many treasures and secrets, while also shining a light on Egypt's ...
This view was shot from Khafre's Mortuary Temple, the ruins of which stand at the eastern base of the Khafre Pyramid. The temple was one element within the pharaoh's vast funerary complex ...
Archaeologists working at the site of Saqqara have discovered a 4,100-year-old tomb that held the burial of a doctor.
The dynasties of Pharaohs, their wars, love stories, betrayals, and architectural wonders - every corner of Egypt whispers ...
The chamber holds a stone coffin engraved with the physician’s name and titles, which include "director of medicinal plants" ...
The addition of aliens was just unnecessary. A cursed Pharaoh's tomb is more than enough to create a scary atmosphere for a ...