Paver works worth Rs 20 lakh were inaugurated at Belabai on Thursday, marking a significant development milestone spearheaded by Mormugao Muni ...
The cryptocurrency market is buzzing with excitement as innovation continues to push the boundaries of what's possible. From ...
Somerset Council members has unanimously agreed to sell a derelict site to a social enterprise, paving the way for its redevelopment. The 12-acre Saxonvale site in Frome has been empty for decades, ...
The grant would be used for a resurfacing project between Worthington and Adrian that would create a trail for bicyclists.
An infrastructure surge is propelling the real estate market and laying the groundwork for sustainable economic growth.
A former NBA player repeatedly promised to build a resort-arena on the Las Vegas Strip. Investors and Nevada officials believed him. Then it all fell apart.
SR-76 (US-79): The grading, drainage, construction of a concrete box bridge, noise wall and paving on US 79 (SR 76) from west ...
The Florida Department of Transportation's diverging diamond project is confusing some drivers along Colonial Boulevard.
The park would recognize several deadly disasters that affected Mounds View, first responders and military members.
Senator Bill Cassidy (LA-R) announced on Thursday that the National Science Foundation will grant the Louisiana Board of Regents $8 million for the Louisiana Networks of Excellence for Tomorrow ...
At its first meeting of 2025, the Auburn Board of Works awarded several project bids and authorized department heads to pursue more bids or to make acquisitions at a busy Jan. 21 meeting.
The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) is set to meet soon and finalize the bidder for India’s mega Rs 70,000 crore P75(I) submarine project. As MDL and ThyssenKrupp Marine qualify, debates over Air ...