But we are talking a 90 Hz Micro-OLED VR headset that weighs under 200 g.For reference, the vision Pro is 600+ g and the recent Meta Quest 3S is 464 g without the strap. It doesn't look like you ...
New research suggests dark energy might not be real, proposing instead that the Universe’s apparent acceleration is due to its patchy structure. Upcoming observations from space missions could prove ...
Thanks to cheaper headsets like the recently released Meta Quest 3S, VR gaming has become more accessible than ever, and to capitalize on that gradually increasing installed base, developers have ...
The many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics states that every time a quantum measurement is made, the universe splits into different branches, each creating a parallel world with its own ...
This emergence is natural and inevitable and doesn't need special conditions. The many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics states that every time a quantum measurement is made, the universe ...