(AP Video/Mark Carlson) Two pigeons play in their loft in Ranst, Belgium, Monday, Jan. 13, 2025. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo) Pigeon breeder champion Frans Bungeneers speaks in front of his pigeon lofts ...
The pigeon that reaches its loft first is the winner. “Several pigeon keepers take part in the races ... Homers, popularly called Girebaz are a breed of pigeons fit for racing when they are between ...
When they’re around 6 days old, each pigeon is fitted with a tiny ring with an embedded microchip that scans like a barcode inside their loft. It means the time it takes each bird to cover the ...
RANST, Belgium — Belgium's once pastoral pastime of pigeon racing has come to this: Drones swoop over lofts where valuable birds are housed to look for security weaknesses, laser sensors set off ...
RANST, Belgium (AP) — Belgium's once pastoral pastime of pigeon racing has come to this: Drones swoop over lofts where valuable birds are housed to look for security weaknesses, laser sensors set off ...