How you trim your blueberry bushes can mean the difference between a yield of as much as 15 pounds of berries each year to only a handful a season. Learn from Clallam County Master Gardeners Jeanette ...
But if you’re opting to grow your own then you need to know how to properly care for your blueberry bush, and learning how to prune blueberries is one of the very important steps. If you’ve ...
Pruning these plants consists largely of removing weak and dead wood. A 3-year-old plant can produce 2–3 pints of berries per season. After the fifth year, production increases to 10 or more pints if ...
so you can focus on growing new flowers rather than tidying up old plants. James Ewens, a gardening expert from Green Feathers has shared that it is important to prune plants in January but has ...
Some reasons to prune are to train a plant, maintain plant health, improve the quality of flowers, fruits and stems, restrict growth, remove damaged and diseased branches, and to increase air ...
Remove 2 year old stems of loganberries, Tayberries and other similar varieties. Blueberries need little or no pruning, but I like to control gooseberry bushes more firmly. Given all their blood ...