“Nobitai,” the second part of the name, derives from Nobita Nobi, a schoolboy character in the popular Doraemon manga series, which features the eponymous robot cat protagonist ...
The series revolves around an earless robotic cat named Doraemon, who travels back in time from the 22nd century to aid a boy named Nobita Nobi.
The series revolves around an earless robotic cat named Doraemon, who travels back in time from the 22nd century to aid a boy named Nobita Nobi.
Families can be complex, with warm, loving relationships or bitter conflicts that could leave a bitter taste in anyone's ...
Nobita hatches an egg of Futabasaurus that is a genus of Plesiosaurs flourishing during the Cretaceous in Japan, named it "Piisuke". As Nobita, with getting a help of Doraemon and three friends ...
Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, April 29-May 5 (May 7, 2019) Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, April 8-14 (Apr 16, 2019) Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, March 11-17 (Mar 19, 2019) Japan's Animation DVD ...
Anime Films Airing on Indian TV: August 2-8 (Aug 2, 2020) Anime Films Airing on Indian TV: July 19-25 (Jul 18, 2020) Anime Films Airing on Indian TV: July 12-18 (Jul 11, 2020) Japan's Animation ...
Nobita and his friends come to the largest amusement park in the universe by the space ship that is modeled on a locomotive. Although they play happily, they are attacked suddenly by unknown aliens.
A tiny alien president takes refuge in Nobitas home due to an interstellar war. Doraemon and gang help him by thwarting the enemies.