The next entry in the Ninja Gaiden series stars a new protagonist named Yakuma who acts in opposition to Ryu Hayabusa, the series' previous hero.
A descendant of the ninja who has gone down in history ... a weapon of immense sentimental importance to him, his fighting style revolves around using three swords at once. Zoro's three-sword ...
Microsoft's Xbox Developer Direct 2025 showcased a variety of upcoming games the company has planned, including "Ninja Gaiden 4," which is coming next year to Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, and PC ...
A former Call of Duty developer is making a game where dinosaurs fight each other with massive swords, and it got 10,000 wishlists in its first day on Steam. Dinoblade is the kind of video game ...
This ninja game also boasts a thumping electronic ... and if the QTEs or iffy sword fighting get on your nerves, simply lower the difficulty and treat it as the popcorn spectacle it so wants ...
NINJA GAIDEN: Dragon Sword is the latest iteration in the series and the first to be made for Nintendo DSâ„¢ handheld system, featuring gorgeous rendered backgrounds, a new exciting story and the ...