Ancient people on the Danish island of Bornholm sacrificed sunstones, carved to symbolize the Sun, during a massive volcanic ...
Ice core analysis from Greenland reveals volcanic upheaval that coincides with the creation of mysterious "sunstones" in ...
Volcanic eruptions shaped the destinies of ancient European societies, leading to dramatic cultural shifts and the emergence ...
The American scholar Lawrence Keeley emphasised a “neo-Rousseauan” strain in archaeological thinking after World War II that ...
Neolithic people on the Danish island Bornholm sacrificed hundreds of stones engraved with sun and field motifs. Archaeologists and climate scientists can now show that these ritual sacrifices ...
Archaeologists uncover 614 stone plaques in Denmark’s Bornholm Island, linking Neolithic sacrifices to a volcanic eruption in ...
According to a report, archaeologist Xingtao Wei of Zhengzhou University and his colleagues analyzed residues ...
This discovery about a volcanic eruption in the Neolithic period has prompted archaeologists to reevaluate “Sun stones” found ...
Neolithic people on the Danish island Bornholm sacrificed hundreds of stones engraved with sun and field motifs.
Throughout history, volcanic eruptions have had serious consequences for human societies such as cold weather, lack of sun, and low crop yields. In ...
Ice core analyses from Greenland and Antarctica reveal high levels of sulfur from a massive volcanic eruption approximately 4 ...
According to the team, there is a high chance that a connection exists between the volcanic eruption, the subsequent changes ...