Bandish Bandits actor Shreya Chaudhry revealed her struggles with weight and health and how she battled a painful slipped disc at 19. After losing 30 kg at 21, she now shares her journey in a ...
Sit up straight, then gently roll your shoulders forward in a circular motion for a few seconds. Afterwards, switch it up and ...
The Downward Dog pose, also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana in Sanskrit, is one of Yoga 's most recognisable and beneficial postures. Whether you are new to Yoga or a seasoned practitioner, this pose ...
1. Lie on your stomach and place your hands directly under your shoulders with your palms flat on the floor. 2. Press up, ...
Maintaining proper posture is essential for overall health. Poor posture affects not only your appearance but also your ...
Constantly sitting for prolong periods of time can have devastating effects on your muscles. These simple exercises can help ...
“Sitting all day can lead to issues like poor blood flow and tight hamstrings because your knees stay bent, while the top of ...
If you experience wrist pain during Pilates, you're not alone. Here, experts break down why this might be happening and how ...
Pain is a natural response to injury or illness and can be a useful indicator that something is wrong. Here are some of the ...
The NHS has compiled a list of the 20 most painful health conditions you can get, with heart attacks, broken bones and ...
The beginning of the worst lower back trouble of my life – the most chronic, dispiriting, obstinate discomfort; the first ...