Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is set to bring out his “inner Avenger” for his label Being Human. Salman took to Instagram, where he shared a picture of himself holding a Captain America shield. He ...
The Deadpool trilogy might be better known for its gory action and potty-mouthed humor, but the franchise occasionally gets ...
For more than three decades, Leavesden has been the grounds on which many well-rated and beloved movies were filmed. Opening in 1994 as Levesden Studios, later brought in 2010 by Warner Bros., the ...
Over the years, there have been many directors who have almost joined Marvel Studios, and the MCU would have been very ...
Queer, the new romance drama from director Luca Guadagnino (Call Me by Your Name, Challengers) and starring Daniel Craig, ...
The Coen brothers are masters at writing side characters. Here is a list of some of the craziest characters in their many ...
Cyberpunk fiction combines the old and the new. Drawing from the conflicted worlds of film noir, cyberpunk films continue to ...
Fans believe they’ve landed on a new, upcoming casting choice, this time for Wonder Woman. And this worked before with Green Lantern.
Even Marvel Studios makes mistakes and these are just some of the biggest missteps we think Kevin Feige and company have made with the Marvel Cinematic Universe over the years. Check them out ...
There is nothing quite like a good action movie. When you go to the movies, what else would you want to see on the big screen ...