I am the Senior Curator for Diptera and Siphonaptera. I manage the lower Brachycera, Mycetophilidae and Culicidae collections in Diptera, and the Siphonaptera collection. My specific interests lie ...
下面让我们一起来看看具体的研究结果: 节肢动物主要类群中 “股骨 - 胫骨” 关节的结构:研究人员选取了多足纲(Myriapoda,以少棘蜈蚣 Scolopendra subspinipes 为代表 )、螯肢亚门(Chelicerata,以巴西游走蛛 Cupiennius salei 为代表 )、甲壳纲(Crustacea,以德氏地蟹 ...
Known geographic distribution of Cis olivieri Mellié, 1849. Cis olivieriMellié, 1849: 259, pl. 2, fig. 16. Type locality: “Cayenne” (French Guiana). Cis ...