Being optimistic about the future may help people save more money, and the effect appears strongest among those with lower incomes, according to research published in the Journal of Personality and ...
The habenula plays a crucial role in processing negative feedback and regulating motivation. When we experience disappointment or perceive a lack of reward, the habenula becomes active, leading to ...
If you’ve been told by your doctor or healthcare professional that you’re at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, you could probably use non-judgmental support to prevent the disease and stay healthy.
Journalism innovation has habitually focused on outputs and formats, but that is not going to shift the dial for any of our participants. Put simply, if a story is misrepresenting, ignoring or ...
This study examined the perceptions of preservice teachers toward the Physical Education Curriculum in the Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports (HPERS) at the University of ...