Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, who has starred in various biopics, has called for a correction in the Indian history books. Known for his action and comedy films, the Bollywood actor turned his ...
CHENNAI: Indian Bank on Thursday said banker Binod Kumar has taken over as its MD and CEO with immediate effect. He succeeds Shanti Lal Jain. Earlier, Kumar was serving PNB as its executive director.
Their choices had an effect not only on the direction of Indian history but also on the cultures and societies that eventually developed across the subcontinent. Let's make a journey in time and ...
Jason Derulo visited India ... Indian musicians in the future. If you ask him who he would like to collaborate with in the future, the American singer-songwriter and dancer says, “Yo Yo Honey Singh.
The history of India includes ... various geographic areas of the Indian subcontinent, including the growth of Muslim dominions during the Medieval period intertwined with Hindu powers; the ...