The Great Lakes owe their existence to a hotspot that was active hundreds of millions of years ago, according to new research. This Cape Verde hotspot currently sits beneath the island nation in ...
When the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement was passed in the 1970s, eutrophication was the big problem. Eutrophication occurs when too many nutrients enter a body of water, increasing the amount of ...
A hotspot that now lies in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean was once under the Great Lakes, and may explain why they formed where they did. The Great Lakes formed where they did 20,000 years ago ...
The Great Lakes region has long been heralded for its commercial fishing industry and large hauls. That wasn't always the case, thanks to a mysterious invasive species that began popping up across ...
Inside the Great Lakes Research Center, biologists, geologists, engineers, chemists, remote-sensing specialists, and computer scientists work together along Michigan Tech's Innovation Shore. Our ...
Frigid air parked over the region caused a dramatic increase in ice coverage on the Great Lakes this week There’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon for folks who live across Ontario's traditional ...