What is the biggest animal in the world? It is worth noting that the largest living animals in the world today aren’t land animals, because on land they must struggle against the forces of gravity to ...
Apple is the largest company in the world, with a market cap of $3.68 trillion. It's followed by Nvidia ($3.54 trillion), Microsoft ($3.15 trillion), Alphabet ($2.36 trillion), and Amazon ($2.36 ...
ARDRC secures funding to send 11,000 natural history books and journals to country’s National Biodiversity Institute, supporting research and education ...
Unlike most amphibians, axolotls retain their aquatic juvenile features throughout their ... Little did they know they were parting ways with the largest axolotl ever documented. Glob’s claim to fame ...
With a body length measuring between 50 to 150 centimeters, it is one of the largest amphibians in the world and is designated a special national treasure. Two salamander varieties captured from ...
This iconic black-and-white bear can be found in the mountains of central China. The South China Sea is home to Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, which are distinguished by their pink colour.