Victoria’s CDS operator, Visy, has launched a large format CDS Vic Reverse Vending Machine refund point in Melbourne’s CBD, the first of its kind in a CBD across Australia.
If you are [Tim Hamilton], the solution is obvious. Use it in a huge large-format camera. The lens came from a newspaper magnifier made redundant by digitalisation and used as a paperweight.
The best large format printers allow us to take advantage of the resolution of today's best professional digital cameras to print images up to billboard size, something that was once only possible for ...
Finally our Roland wide format machine is here. Much work needs to be done but Marlene will exceed with this is awesome. We grow each day. RJY will grow together with all wide format team.
Dimensions are 276 high x 157 wide x 402mm deep ... this is very much a standard issue capsule coffee machine, that works using the same format as other models from L’OR. Nothing wrong with ...