“Foltz Studio,” the educational outdoor painting show produced by Northwest Access Television, will air its second season starting Feb. 3. The show follows Foltz, a Highgate-native now living in the ...
Feast your eyes on a valley of fine art: colorful lights, surprising sculptures, and thought-provoking paintings and photographs.
Painting and Other Technologies, 1970-2020” takes over the museum’s fourth floor. A lot of the work is ugly, plenty of it is ...
Artists exploring mankind's interaction with nature and using natural materials in their art are some highlights at London ...
This is more difficult to write than most articles, but it’s part of our history and part of the reason our safety laws are ...
By Patrick Neat GBORGLAHIn 2016, like many others, I held high hopes for the future of Ghana’s governance. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the leader of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), inspired many with ...
Start your art weekend with Filipino cowboys, dragon prints, RedLine artists and fabulous landscapes.