Have you ever seen a real life dragon? Well, the Komodo Dragon is the closet to one you will see. Join us as we witness a huge Komodo dragon spotted on one of Indonesia’s islands. This rare sighting ...
Screenshot from Komodo Dragon Defends Territory. Source: YouTube, Uploaded: 3Win Animal. Komodo dragon females lay about 30 eggs at a time, which they then safeguard for about 8 months. Screenshot ...
def process_dataset_final(file_path, chunk_size=10799, session_length=900, gap_seconds=5.5 * 3600): Full pipeline to process the dataset: 1. Split into chunks. 2. Duplicate the first frame in each ...
This project focuses on analyzing and predicting the lifespan of worms under various experimental conditions. The primary data consists of CSV files, each of which captures the x-y center-of-mass ...