Inuvialuit artists Eli Nasogaluak and Derrald Taylor are at Winterlude this year. They are creating a sculpture of an Inuit dancer surrounded by a circle of animals to celebrate their culture.
Inuvialuit artists Eli Nasogaluak and Derrald Taylor are attending Winterlude this year to celebrate their culture with an ice sculpture called 'The Happy Dance.' It depicts a drum dancer surrounded ...
The MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina, in the Saskatchewan province of Canada, has been gifted more than one thousand works of art by contemporary Indigenous and Inuit artists.
The MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina, in the Saskatchewan province of Canada, has been gifted more than one thousand works of art by contemporary Indigenous and Inuit artists.
25.4 x 20.3 cm. (10 x 8 in.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2006 30 The Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS) 2006 is a national survey of Aboriginal peoples (First Nations peoples living off-reserve, Métis and Inuit) living in urban, rural ...