Was the London of before ever quite real? I only know it has gone: the smog has cleared, there are no chimney sweeps dancing on the rooftops and cockney accents are today confined to either E ...
Knapp St. in downtown Milwaukee, which houses an Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) processing facility, plans to move to Milwaukee’s Granville neighborhood. Local leaders opposed the ...
The agency currently operates the facility in downtown Milwaukee, at 310 E. Knapp St. But it's being relocated because that building was sold to Milwaukee School of Engineering, which will remodel ...
Amid shifts in the hospitality market, a long-planned hotel in downtown Milwaukee could break ground this summer, according to its architect. Milwaukee-based development firm HKS Holdings first ...
Every dog has its day, and it looks like the opening day of the dog park in downtown Milwaukee will be in 2025. That’s according to social media posts from the downtown Milwaukee Business Improvement ...
But that's not the only development going on in the city as officials work on a downtown master plan. The once small town is seeing major growth with the 6-million-square-foot Samsung plant coming ...
A leadership change is in store for Milwaukee Downtown. Beth Weirick, who has led Business Improvement District No. 21 since 1998, serving as the organization’s only executive director and CEO since ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] Milwaukee Bucks (20-16, fourth in the ...
MILWAUKEE (January 9, 2025) – Milwaukee Downtown, Business Improvement District (BID) #21 Chair Tammy Babisch announces a leadership transition plan approved by the organization’s Executive ...
Beth Weirick, who helped champion development in downtown Milwaukee for more than two decades, is transitioning from her role as the executive director of the city's Business Improvement District 21.
The new year is expected to bring more clarity about the demand for new high-rise apartment units and the potential for more luxury apartment towers in Milwaukee. The turning of the calendar ...
Matt Dorner will serve as the CEO of Milwaukee Downtown, Business Improvement District #21. He has served as the organization’s economic development director since 2014. The self-taxing entity ...