For the average UK property size ... that some roots will escape and new shoots will emerge. Horsetail is a native British weed that usually grows in spring/summer. Many have found it to be ...
If you find horsetail (Equisetum) living in your yard or garden, it's important to take care of the problem quickly and correctly to avoid establishment. Since this weed has been around for hundreds ...
Horsetail (genus Equisetum) has been around since prehistoric times, and it sure acts like it! This ancient, fast-growing weed is notorious for being tough to eliminate, thanks to its deep root ...
The active ingredient in this selective weed killer is triclopyr, which targets woody plants like saplings, tree stumps, brambles, bamboo, horsetail and other woody weeds, but is also effective on ...
You can find it in moist to wet soils that are usually sandy or gravely in texture. Control Horsetail is relatively slow-spreading, noncompetitive weed. Once established, field horsetail is hard to ...