Increasing internal rotation improves various aspects of your hip health, including muscle flexibility, joint mobility, ...
Recent research highlights the critical importance of hip mobility in maintaining overall physical health and performance. As a central point of movement, the hips play an essential role in daily ...
Yes, really. Sure, there was a time when hip mobility mattered only if you were doing Jean-Claude Van Damme splits on Volvo trucks. But these days, more and more trainers are recognising that ...
Enter hip airplanes: This dynamic exercise targets hip rotation, a key aspect of mobility that’s often overlooked, says Lindsay Ogden, CPT, certified personal trainer at Life Time Eden Prairie.
Whether you’re a skier or not, some of the most common aches and pains can be traced back to hip weakness and instability ...
No, I’m not channeling my inner Shakira, I’m talking about internal hip rotation…obviously. Sure, mobility isn't that sexy, but it's very necessary if you want to improve squat depth ...
It's time to hack your hips. This quick hip mobility exercise will unlock your hips and relieve lower body tension. The move only takes a few minutes at most and combines internal rotation with ...