代码已经复制到剪贴板。 一架美航客机周三(1月29日)晚间9点多在美国华府附近的罗纳德·里根国家机场降落时与一架美军“黑鹰”直升机在空中相撞后坠入波托马克河。事故仍在调查中,据报道,截至美东时间晚上11点30分,至少已找到18具尸体。
一架美国客机星期三 (1月29日)晚间在接近华盛顿里根国家机场时,与一架美国陆军的黑鹰直升机发生空中相撞,飞机坠毁在波托马克河,大量救难人员投入搜救行动。《哥伦比亚广播公司》 (CBS)报道,截至美东时间晚上11点30分,至少已找到18具尸体。
Emergency services operate at Gravelly Point, after American Eagle flight 5342 collided with a helicopter while approaching Reagan Washington National Airport and crashed in the Potomac River.
Eighteen bodies have been recovered from the Potomac River following the collision of a passenger plane and an Army Blackhawk helicopter near the Reagan National Airport here on Wednesday, local media ...