Prevention is always better and easier than treatment, so don’t wait until your yard or lawn is covered by weeds. For instance, some cases are so serious that you can't save them anymore or the ...
PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE: Quali-Pro's Prodiamine 65 WDG provides pre-emergent grass and broadleaf weed control. Flexible application allows for both spring and fall use providing season long ...
The product will be launched in Q2 2025 for resistant pest control in rice, shallots, and other vegetable crops.
This type of seed may have handy hooks which attach to an animal’s fur. Goosegrass sticks to animals and our clothes. Image caption, The plants might make tasty fruit to enclose the seeds ...
As the winter season approaches, it's time to start thinking about the pesky weeds that will soon be sprouting up on our lawns. One of the most common and stubborn weeds out there is Poa Annua - a ...
Summer annuals germinate in the spring months, live during the summer and mature in the fall months and are usually killed with frost. These warm annuals include crabgrass, goosegrass, lespedeza and ...
These warm annuals include crabgrass, goosegrass, lespedeza and knotweed. The germination of these annual weed seeds is mostly dependent on soil and air temperatures. A soil temperature of 55 ...