This article originally appeared in the Golf IQ newsletter, which you can receive weekly by subscribing to Golf Digest+ right ...
The golf swing is a machine ... "Their upper body being a little further back gives the lagger more time to get the clubhead past their left arm," Leitz says. "If their upper body is more on ...'s resident single-digit handicaps share their current go-to swing thought - and explain how it helps them. The post ...
Charles Howell III has never been the bulkiest golfer, but he's always been able to create power. Here are his four keys for ...
Steve Johnston has a simple way of thinking about ball striking in your irons. It all revolves around your right elbow and it ...
Tony Finau is one of the longest hitters in the game. Here are his five speed keys to hit the ball an extra 25 yards off the ...
What I'm about to show you is not rocket science. It's simple but it's helped me get a lot more control over my wedge shots, ...
Lead hand placement is arguably more important than trail hand, as this hand is the primary club face angle controller. Open ...
But Rules of Golf junkies ... a practice swing near his ball, Johnson accidentally clipped it, knocking it off a tee. Luckily for Johnson, there was no penalty since the ball was not yet in ...