The Blawnox Fire Department told the DEP that gasoline entered a storm sewer and the Allegheny River. The DEP is now working ...
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources says that the majority of a gasoline spill that occurred on Saturday morning has been removed. DNR Environmental Services Program Chief Sean Counihan wrote ...
A hazardous materials response was sent after more than 30 gallons of diesel fuel spilled at a gas station in Kildeer and ...
The towering coal plant in Roane County will be replaced with natural gas by 2027 with power-grid-level batteries and solar to follow.
Environmental agencies are concerned about a potential disaster off the coast of England after a cargo ship crashed into an ...
Cleanup for a spill of roughly 900 gallons of unleaded gasoline is almost finished. Environmental effects from the spill are ...
The town of Anapa says it's seeking an initial 211 million rubles to pay for cleaning up its oil-struck beaches after two ...
A West Virginia panel of legislators has approved further weakening measures designed to prevent water crises in response to ...
The House of Representatives on Tuesday resolved to investigate reasons for frequent vandalisation of oil and gas pipelines ...
Cleanup for a spill of roughly 900 gallons of unleaded gasoline is almost finished. Environmental effects from the spill are expected to be minimal.