Athletes can get fractures in many locations, including the small bones in the feet. A Jones fracture is a fracture at the base of 5th metatarsal (the long bone on the outside of the foot). These ...
Stress fractures usually happen from repeating the same movement over and over (such as when someone trains for a sport). They also can happen from everyday activities in people whose bones are weak ...
With a stress fracture, the bone breaks but does commonly become displaced (misaligned). Stress fractures are most common in the foot and ankle, since these parts of the body often support the the ...
Basically, anything that increases physical stress too quickly can cause stress fractures. Most stress fractures occur in the lower extremities, that is, from the pelvis down. Common places include ...
The main areas at risk when running are the shin and foot. Stress fractures can occur in any type of sport, and bones that are subject to high stress are at particularly high risk. For example ...
Stress fractures are a common overuse injury in athletes, but can also occur in non-athletes. They occur when a person has a partial fracture in one of the bones. Unlike with other broken bones, these ...