Mahindra EPC Irrigation hit an upper circuit of 20% at Rs 122.10 after the company's consolidated net profit climbed 280.6% to Rs 6.35 crore in Q3 FY25 as against Rs 1.67 crore posted in Q3 FY24.
Stowing the roof is an electrically powered, automatic function, and Aston Martin took pains to make it as quick and efficient as possible. The company claims that this z-fold roof can be raised ...
Six point eight seconds. That’s how long it takes to lower or raise the roof of the Vantage Roadster. Aston Martin claims that makes it the fastest electric folding convertible top on sale, and it can ...
Six point eight seconds. That’s how long it takes to lower or raise the roof of the Vantage Roadster. Aston Martin claims that makes it the fastest electric folding convertible top on sale, and it can ...