Being fit is more than abs, running a 5K or lifting weights. These only address single areas of fitness. Medical News of ...
As awareness of ADHD among adults increases, diagnosed individuals need greater understanding and support from those around ...
The Legends Rec-Plex is partnering with the University of Missouri Extension and Westminster College to hold a strength training program for older adults in Fulton.
A new study found that 300 to 599 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise could decrease your death risk by 26-31%: a ...
Iowa has the second-highest cancer rates in the nation and the fastest-growing number of cases. There are a variety of causes ...
"Stretching can be helpful in preventing injuries, managing muscle soreness, and allowing for participation in a variety of ...
Reduce tightness and relieve tension with these three mobility exercises for more open hips, according to a personal trainer.
Given a single chance, keyboard warriors will jump at any opportunity to make fun of or shame people who are obese by saying ...
Determining how many calories you should burn per day requires a few steps, including figuring out your calorie requirements ...
A study suggests that frequent social activity may reduce dementia risk and delay cognitive decline in older adults.
Researchers have examined the increasingly popular practice of cold-water immersion – things like taking a cold shower or ...
Small, everyday habits like staying hydrated and moving one's body can make a world of difference. Stretching, for example, ...