Keep reading, we’ve got lots of simple front yard landscaping ideas without grass for you. If you love adding lots of shade to your front yard, why not transform it into a vertical oasis with trees.
Native to China, the mimosa tree in your front yard is a visual stunner. Its tropical appearance with these unique fragrant feathery pink flowers gives this ornamental plant a different name, the silk ...
If you want your front yard's landscaping to look gorgeous without much effort, check out the beautiful and easy tree that's ...
The front yard of a home with trees, shrubs and a large expanse of lawn. - Dreampictures/Getty Images ...
This phenomenon, called marcescence, adds a unique dimension to the winter landscape, and gives me something to ponder while ...
In the spirit of celebrating these special natural gifts, we asked our readers about the things Southerners always have in ...
I have solitude, peace here,” says Stella Cruz, whose native plant garden was a gift from Pollinator Project Rogue Valley.
A Federal-era home in Middletown, a wood-shingled house in Seattle and a 100-year-old brick house in Dallas.
Structures, rather than vegetation, served as the primary fuel for spreading flames, but fire-resistant landscaping helps. It ...