Hypoallergenic dog breeds can be a great choice for those suffering from allergies. If you're a dog lover but are allergic, hypoallergenic breeds could be the solution. These dogs are bred to ...
Now we know why, thanks to new research that uncovers how scratching aggravates inflammation and swelling in a mouse model of a type of eczema called allergic contact ...
Allergies are the ways your body responds to substances it sees as harmful. However, these substances are often harmless. For example, some people may sneeze and have watery eyes when they come in ...
In fact, a newly published study in a leading peer-reviewed, international journal, Veterinary Dermatology, described the findings of a randomized, clinical trial which compared Zenrelia to the ...
Cause. An allergic reaction of the nose and sinuses to an inhaled substance. The medical name for this is allergic rhinitis. The allergic substance is called an allergen. Most allergens float in the ...
Allergies are an immune system reaction to substances called allergens. The cause a range of symptoms from a stuffy nose to itchy eyes to difficulty breathing. How long allergies last varies based on ...
A rumor that sports apparel manufacturer Nike uses dog skin in its products circulated (archived) on social media (archived) in January 2025. "Could this really be true? I saw a video/article ...