personal digital assistants and digital set-top boxes. The combination of eX with simple-to-use Actel software tools results in faster design turns and time to market. Pricing and Availability The ...
This digital luggage scale is equipped with a strap to clip around the luggage handle and has the ability to weigh up to 40 kg (88 lbs). This scale features a switchable display to weigh in kilograms ...
Fold Up Mailer Holder-Stand upright to 90 degrees for rolling tubes and irregular packages.Use AC adapter, the scale will be always power on, Self-Calibration Technology: Does not require a 50lbs ...
Therefore, on the older version of TensorKit.jl, use the following code to save the data TensorKit.jl is a package that provides types and methods to represent and manipulate tensors with symmetries.
This package is a fork of that has been modified to connect to the FITINDEX ES-26M Bluetooth smart scale ...