"We are excited to join forces with GA International to offer our customers exceptional laboratory labeling solutions for the ...
12月30日,深康佳A(000016.SZ)公告,公司拟发行股份购买宏晶微电子科技股份有限公司(简称“宏晶微电子”)控股权并募集配套资金。 同时,公司证券自公告日起停牌,预计在不超过10个交易日内披露本次交易方案。公司强调,本次交易预计不构成重大资产重组。
Large swathes of the UK will see snow in the next week as temperatures plunge, forecasters say. WXCharts forecasts snow will hit the east coast of East Anglia at 6pm on January 1, sweeping through ...
If you want to hear your TV dialogue better or just want to get a soundbar on a budget, the Bose Smart Soundbar 550 is a solid choice right now. Daniel is a Staff Writer for Lifehacker.
Choose your trim GX 550 Premium 4WD GX 550 Overtrail 4WD GX 550 Premium+ 4WD GX 550 Luxury 4WD GX 550 Overtrail+ 4WD GX 550 Luxury+ 4WD Compare all trims Your message was sent. You'll receive a ...