This anime follows a high school boy named Kusuo Saiki who has a secret: he possesses world-altering psychic powers. All he wants to do is live his day-to-day life, go unnoticed, and indulge in a ...
It's one to watch ASAP. Probably the world's most popular ongoing anime, Demon Slayer tells the tale of Tanjiro, a boy whose life is turned upside down after demons attack his family. But it's not ...
Gone are the days when you have to watch illegally uploaded anime episodes, cut into nine parts, and uploaded onto five different anime YouTube channels. Forget about ...
A roundup of news briefs and calendar events from around coastal Orange County, this week from the communities of Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Irvine and San Juan Capistrano. The latest gift of $50 ...
An 83-year-old woman was dragged out of her vehicle and seemingly wrestled to the ground minutes after collecting her lottery winnings from a convenience store, according to the Orange County ...
Five years ago Tibor acquired a large flat meadow in the middle of a forest, east of Debrecen in Hungary. The location had been used by a DX chasing radio amateur and was approved as a good spot for ...
Nigeria joins BRICS as a partner country, aligning with emerging economies to challenge Western dominance in global systems BRICS, led by Russia and China, seeks to promote a multipolar world order ...