In the mid-1990s, a cartoon in the New Yorker depicted a woman in a bookshop asking, “What can you recommend that’s not by Michael Crichton?” ...
Here’s the latest traffic and travel news from around Northern Ireland. There has been a road traffic collision on the M1 on the outer lane close to J3 Blacks Road, with Police attending. The ...
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a compartment (organelle) in eukaryotic cells that consists of membrane sacs called cisternae. Because of the bound ribosomes, the 'rough' ER is the site of ...
A picture of hundreds of cars on a beach in Adelaide has worried Redditors on the subreddit r/f***cars. "Luckily not all beaches are like this in Adelaide," wrote the OP. "But faaaarken hell. Why ...
As I enter the paediatric emergency room, the lifeless bodies of children — from three months to fifteen years old — lay still. It was a horrific scene that will never leave my mind.
A chilled water pipe inside a wall burst around 11:40 p.m. Thursday, flooding parts of the hospital including the emergency room. According to a statement from DUH officials, some “ancillary ...
A spokesperson said a pipe burst around 11:40 p.m. on Thursday night, leading several areas within the building to flood, including the emergency room ... "We're busy as usual, but with the ...
The South Western Railway (SWR) line between between Effingham Junction and Guildford has reopened today (Friday, December 27) after emergency repairs were needed to an embankment which was 'moving' ...
Surf Lifesaving conducted 10 rescues on Boxing Day compared to one on Christmas Day. Waihi Beach was temporarily closed after a shark sighting near the flagged area, and there were also several ...
NL Health says that a virtual ER operates in many ways the same way as a traditional emergency room. Patients are assessed and treated by staff on site, and a virtual physician or nurse practitioner ...