This isn’t your average sausage! Made with cuitlacoche, the legendary Mexican corn fungus, this unique dish is packed with ...
For most Americans, Mexican food has been appreciated mostly for its value. But a new generation of Latin chefs is making a mark on haute cuisine.
An curved arrow pointing right. Huitlacoche, also known as the "Mexican truffle," is an edible fungus that forms on undeveloped corn ears and sells for as much as $40 a pound. Discovered by the ...
Diseases cause worry ahead of corn planting season among t hose are Tar Spot, Southern Rust and Corn Stunt, as Tim Unruh ...
Corn and soybean diseases to watch out for in MN, including tar spot, were the topic of the March 5 “Strategic Farming: Let’s Talk Crops!” program hosted by University of ...
South Dakota State University Extension will host a webinar about tar spot for corn producers and industry professionals ...
The discovery of a powerful 'weapon' used by many disease-causing fungi to infect and destroy major food crop staples, such as rice and corn, could offer new strategies to bolster global food security ...
With support from Ohio Corn and Wheat through the Corn Check Off, Ohio State University conducted its second year of corn ...
The increasing prevalence of grey leaf spot (GLS), caused by the fungus Cercospora zeae-maydis, and northern corn leaf blight ...