To maintain good oral health, it's important to floss properly, taking into account your tooth shape and flossing frequency.
With a little effort and the right tools, you can ensure your dog’s smile stays as healthy as their wagging tail.
Teeth whitening appears to be a beauty trend sticking around for 2024, as we all aim to attain the perfect smile. With this ...
This set of lip balm goes on sale throughout the year, but we don't expect the price to drop again for a few months. But if winter is making lips thirsty now, you might want to jump on this deal. We ...
Operan's cordless water flosser helps remove stains, food and plaque to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy and clean.
Coconut oil pulling is an age-old tradition that has resurfaced as a trendy and natural method to boost oral health and ...
If you’re looking to brighten your smile, using the right teeth whitening products can be more affordable and convenient than going into the dentist’s office. The best teeth whitening kits ...
A dentist has revealed the common mistakes people make when brushing their teeth, as it turns out most people have probably been doing it all wrong. From not wetting your toothbrush to starting at ...
Coconut oil, rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, can be a natural remedy for promoting hair growth on bald patches. Massaging warm, organic coconut oil into the scalp stimulates hair ...
There is no best time of day to take fish oil supplements. However, evidence suggests that people absorb omega-3 fatty acids more effectively when they take it with a meal containing dietary fat.