In their 2022 Australian Community Survey (2022 ACS), NCLS asked Australians about their understanding of Christianity and how they would feel about an invitation to church from believers close to ...
Soften the hearts of those around me who need you. Show them your ways. Give me boldness to invite my coworkers into my church and the grace to love them well. No matter what their response, let my ...
The new Happy Our Fitness class, a 10-week stretching and flexing exercise program, starts Feb. 3. Classes will be held from 2:30-3:30 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays. There is a small fee for the ...
5 that presented his vision for revitalizing the Catholic Church of Philadelphia and inviting ... The sessions will also invite participants to think about how the Missionary Hubs can reach ...
They also suggest that children invite their friends, family and ward members to participate with them. “We are excited to see how children throughout the world make a difference in their communities ...
“Therefore, health permitting, my associates and I will be glad to accept the invitation to come to California to join hands in proclaiming ... the Billy Graham mission team to mobilize an expected ...