Standard Parent POM for non-plugin Jenkins components: core, libraries, etc. It defines common dependencies and the Maven build flow including static analysis, enforcer rules, and the release flow.
The plugin parent POM is decoupled from the core Jenkins project, both from a Maven perspective and a repository perspective. It provides a common build configuration ...
在工程塑料的璀璨星空中,聚甲醛(POM)材料以其诸多卓越性能闪耀夺目,广泛应用于机械、电子、汽车等众多领域。然而,对于工程师、产品设计师以及塑料加工从业者而言,POM 材料的收缩率犹如一把关键钥匙,精准掌握它才能开启高质量产品制造的大门。