Get information about the Central Standard Time time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time in all cities/countries belonging to Time zone ...
Get information about the Central Standard Time time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time in all cities/countries belonging to Time zone ...
The North Dakota ... time throughout the year. The House voted 55-37 to pass the bill, but it still needs approval from the Senate and governor before it becomes law. The bill does not affect time ...
The North Dakota House ... it daylight savings time - don't go the other way." Rep. Lawrence Klemin (R-Bismarck) said he was hoping for a compromise position. "What I would really like to see is that ...
North Platte state Sens ... All four have the Colorado state line on their west and the Mountain-Central time-zone line on their east. Unless Colorado also would adopt year-round standard time ...
Well, for one, southwest North Dakota is on Mountain Time, and will differ in time to neighboring Montana and South Dakota by an hour...and 9 counties would be in their own little time zone. Pretty ...
North Dakota lawmakers in the state House have passed ... The legislation would have no effect on how time zones operate. The bill has garnered mixed reactions. Proponents say it will protect ...
I'd bet good money that most North Dakotans are in favor of stopping the "spring forward" and "fall back" time changes, but we shouldn't do it in a way that creates new hassles. 1918 post card ...
House Bill 1259 would eliminate daylight saving time in North Dakota, instead having the state observe standard time year-round. Rep. Desiree Morton, R-Fargo, speaks on House Bill 1259 ...