Directed by Koichi Sasaki, Ram Mohan, and Yugo Sako, the film first premiered in 1993. It was shown at the 24th International Film Festival of India and briefly aired on TV. Its 4K remaster has ...
The report further shared that the Hindi cinema saw a decline in 2024, with collections dropping from ₹5,380 crore in 2023 to ₹4,679 crore, and its box office share reducing by 4% percentage ...
We are therefore thrilled to welcome Wim Wenders to India. He is one of the pioneers of the New German Cinema (Neues Deutsches Kino) and is considered to be one of the most important ...
In fist we have our fate which we have put under control!) still rings in the head. Hindi cinema has therefore played a leading role in the spread of ‘Fraternity’.
The film has created storm at box office and now the audience is eagerly waiting for the action thriller to release soon on OTT. Amid this, the makers have shared the news that the Hindi version of ...