A 35-year-old male patient, tracheostomised for about 10 years, presented to our hospital with a dyspnoea of 2 days duration. There was a history of accidental decannulation of the tracheostomy tube ...
Axis Securities: The brokerage highlighted challenges for Cipla in maintaining a stable market share in Albuterol, though the company is gaining traction in Brovana. Cipla is also gradually building ...
Cipla's Q3FY25 revenue is expected to grow 3.1-7%, with profit estimates ranging from a 2.2% decline to 14% growth. Brokerages have differing views on its performance, citing challenges like ...
Asthma is a complicated condition, one that has multiple causes, varying degrees of severity, and no cure. Therefore, treating asthma is a matter of managing it to ward off symptoms and prevent ...